Richenda, Australia
"...people relate Americans directly to their government... so they assume that everybody thinks like George Bush."
Poll results: Number 3 overall. Excellent: 2 votes Very Good: 5 votes Good: 2 votes Fair: 1 vote Poor: 2 votes
From: Pro-Freedom
(Tue Aug 31 16:59:37 2004)
Another one that has no clue, being that she's sheltered all her life.
From: Ken
(Fri Oct 8 09:52:30 2004)
What exactly does "Pro-Freedom" feel she has no clue about? Sounds pretty solid to me. One look at the polls would show that no everybody agrees with George Bush. It's pretty well split, as a matter of fact...and that's all she's commenting on. I think my commentary adversary is completely coming from an emotionally reactionary state of mind. Wow...that's sure a lot of "arys".
From: Ben
(Thu Oct 28 19:56:02 2004)
Well Ken, just what would we have to be emotional or upset about? I mean I think it's really great they can have these videos that show people talking about Americans like these people actually have a clue what American's are like. I would venture a guess that most of the people that make those sweeping generalizations such as "americans are lonely," and "americans don't know geography," probably have never even been to our country. But, all in all I guess we're doing pretty good considering that a nation of apparently the dumbest people in the world is the most powerful nation in the world. Kinda makes ya think doesn't it.
From: [email protected]
(Fri Oct 29 11:30:32 2004)
I am a fifth grade teacher who would LOVE to teach world geography to my students, but I'm too bogged down in George Bush's "No Child Left Behind" nonsense. How about taking the money we're spending in IRAQ and cutting class sizes so those of us in the teaching profession can have half a chance of educating kids about the rest of the world and our country's impact on it? Those in power have NO CLUE about our students' needs. I'm worried about the next generation of kids. There are fewer and fewer who come from educated families who stick together through adversity. Why is IRAQ more important than our kids' future?
From: Brian
(Fri Oct 29 16:14:24 2004)
Ben- I dont agree with Ken but I also have to disagree with you. I think its great that people around the world can speak their mind about the US and our elections. I think we all know what would be said if we wanted to have a say in your elections. The statement about being the dumbest people in the world is a litte bit harsh considering your probably using a Windows OS and a mouse for your pc. Probably fly in a plane, jet, use a cell phone, regular phone, all provided and invented in the US. Those are just a few examples you can chaulk up on the board for the dumbest people in the world.....
From: Ben
(Fri Oct 29 20:37:24 2004)
Brian-I don't see where you disagreed with me. Seems like your point was pretty much my point. (It seems like you don't know I'm from the US)
From: Brian from Boston
(Sat Oct 30 04:49:20 2004)
Sorry Ben. I didnt catch that last comment you wrote was sarcastic.
From: Ben
(Sat Oct 30 16:03:32 2004)
It's Alright Brian.
From: ben
(Sat Oct 30 21:24:46 2004)
hey judith. Would you be opposed to a totally privatized education system?? I can see the benefits of such a system and also some negatives. Just wondering what a teacher's thoughts on the matter are.
From: Brian from Boston
(Sat Oct 30 22:21:54 2004)
Cool.. Red Sox took the World Series, AMAZING!! Pats today, take 22-0.......Steelers see ya....
From: Ben
(Mon Nov 1 10:15:36 2004)
I had 3 buddies of mine drive up to Boston just to take part of the riots that they knew were going to take place when boston won. I am so happy that boston won finally. Congrats to you guys. My friends drove from Kansas City stright through to boston after boston beat st louis on tueday night. They said it was amazing to be up there with everybody. Oh yeah...sorry bout the pats.
From: redneck american
(Thu Nov 11 19:10:43 2004)
who needs smarts when you have power? RED TEAM ALL THE WAY!!!!!
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